Below is a list of the fine costs for the more common violations that occur in the city. This should be as a reference only and should not be considered as current or up to date information nor official information from the City of Anderson Municipal Court.

Municipal Court: (417) 845-6463        City Website:

Court Clerk: William Mosby                 City Hall is open Monday-Friday

City Judge: Erin Willis                               Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm

City Attorney: Jared Thomas

NOTICE: if you wish to pay a fine please contact City Hall at the number above. The City of Anderson Police Department does not accept fines and/or payments of any kind.

                 The City of Anderson Municipal Court currently meets once a month at City Hall. The court date is usually the first Thursday of the month and starts at 3:00pm. We hold trials starting at 4:00pm. If you have court please notice some court rules for safety

1. Absolutely NO weapons or firearms of any kind.

2. When inside of the building please do not wear sunglasses unless prescribed

3. Do not use offensive/threatening language or gestures while at court

4. The judge may at anytime include her rules for court on top of these.

Our court dates for 2015 are as follows:

January 8th

February 5th

March 5th

April 2nd

May 7th

June 4th

July 2nd

August 6th

September 3rd

October 1st

November 5th

December 3rd

** If you are scheduled to appear before the judge on a certain date and will miss court please contact our Court Clerk no later then the Monday on the week of court. If you do not contact the Clerk and are not at court a warrant may be issued for your arrest.


Fine & Cost

Exceeded Posted Speed Limit


1 to 10 MPH over


11 to 20 MPH over


21 to 30 MPH over


Fail to use seatbelt


Fail to keep right


Fail to maintain insurance


Operate motor vehicle w/o valid license


Fail to signal


Fail to stop for signal (sign or light)


Fail to use child restraint


Fail to yield


Fail to dim lights


Follow too closely


Illegal vision-reducing material


Improper registration violations


Improper right or left turn


No motorcycle helmet or qualifications


Passing on hill or curve


Passing on right


Permit underage person to drive


Prohibited U-turn


Using license plate of another
